


2010年毕业于瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich),获理学博士学位(Dr. Sc. ETH)。2010年至2015年就职于新加坡科技局(A*STAR)信息通信研究院(Institute for Infocomm Research)担任Research Scientist。2015年12月入选南京大学登峰人才引进计划,加入南京大学电子科学与工程学院。主要从事无线通信网络和神经网络领域的研究,已发表SCI/EI学术论文多篇,获4项国际专利授权。曾荣获IEEE Globecom Best Paper Award(第一作者),国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,DAAD-Siemens Asia 21st Century Scholarship等多项荣誉。


1. 无线网络资源优化

2. 多天线(MIMO)通信

3. 神经网络与深度学习




  • Tianyue Zhang, Furao Shen, Tao Zhu, Jian Zhao (2020) “An Evolutionary Orthogonal Component Analysis Method for Incremental Dimensionality Reduction”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (to appear)

  • You-Lu Xing, Hui Sun, Gui-Huan Feng, Furao Shen, Jian Zhao (2020) “Artificial Evolution Network: A Computational Perspective on the Expansibility of the Nervous System”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (to appear)

  • Jingon Joung, Heejung Yu, Jian Zhao (2020) “Bandwidth Design for Energy Efficient Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Space-Time Line Code”. IEEE Systems Journal. (to appear)

  • Yuanjie Yan, Hongyan Hao, Baile Xu, Jian Zhao, Furao Shen (2020) “Image Clustering via Deep Embedded Dimensionality Reduction and Probability-Based Triplet Loss”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 29(4):5652 - 5661.

  • Yi Yang, Baile Xu, Furao Shen, Jian Zhao (2020) “Operation-aware Neural Networks for User Response Prediction”. Neural Networks, 121(1):161-168.

  • Jian Zhao, Furao Shen, Jingon Joung (2020) “Throughput Maximization with Rate-Dependent Power Consumption in Battery-Limited Multiuser Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(1):1141 - 1146.

  • Baile Xu, Shaofeng Shen, Furao Shen, Jian Zhao (2019) “Locally Linear SVMs Based on Boundary Anchor Points Encoding”. Neural Networks, 117(9):274-284.

  • Jian Zhao, Tony Q. S. Quek, Zhongding Lei, “Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Using Wireless Backhaul: Fast Admission Control and Large System Analysis,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 2128–2143, Oct. 2015.

  • Jian Zhao, Tony Q. S. Quek, Zhongding Lei, “User Admission and Clustering for Uplink Multiuser Wireless Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 636–651, Feb. 2015.

  • Jian Zhao, Tony Q. S. Quek, Zhongding Lei, “Coordinated Multipoint Transmission With Limited Backhaul Data Transfer,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 2762–2775, Jun. 2013 (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  • Jian Zhao, Marc Kuhn, Armin Wittneben, and Gerhard Bauch, “Asymmetric Data Rate Transmission in Two-Way Relaying Systems With Network Coding”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.

  • Jian Zhao, Marc Kuhn, Armin Wittneben, and Gerhard Bauch, “Self-Interference Aided Channel Estimation in Two-Way Relaying Systems”, Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2008 (BEST PAPER AWARD)

  • Jian Zhao, Analysis and Design of Communications Techniques in Spectrally Efficient Wireless Relaying Systems, Logos Verlag Berlin, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8325-2585-9.

信箱:南京大学(仙林校区)电子科学与工程学院,南京 210023


  • TEL:025-8968 0678


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    (Panzhonglai Building), 163 Xianlin Ave., Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210023