微电子与光电子学系 博导
![]() 陈鹏微电子与光电子学系 博导 |
陈鹏,南京大学电子科学与工程学院,教授。2000年12月在南京大学物理系获理学博士学位,长期从事半导体光电子学研究,取得了一批世界首创、国内领先的研究成果。2001年至2007年历任新加坡科研局材料研究院研究员、首席科学家、新加坡国立大学电机工程系博士生导师,是“江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划”创新人才,江苏省“333人才工程”中青年领军人才,2010年江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家,获2011年江苏省“333人才工程”突出贡献奖,2011年中国产学研创新奖个人奖,教学获批江苏省一流本科课程,江苏省材料学会教学成果一等奖。主持过多项国际/国内科研项目,是2015年国家“863”主题项目“第三代半导体器件与评价技术”首席专家,2024年国家重点研发计划战略性科技创新合作项目首席科学家,主持和参加多项国家“973”、“863”、国家自然基金、江苏省重点研发项目等重大研究项目。申请国际发明专利7项,6项获授权,申请国家发明专利90余件。共发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI收录190余篇。参与编著专著五部。 研究方向
1. 半导体微纳结构的半导体光电子学与等离激元光子学研究; 2. 氮化物半导体的固体电子学与功率电子器件研究; 3. Si衬底上的氮化物半导体材料与光电子学研究; 4. 半导体的固态照明技术研究; 5. GaN自支撑衬底同质外延技术及其器件研究。 主要课程
本科生:Semiconductor Optoelectronics 物理学的进化及量子物理突破 新生研讨课-半导体光电子材料与器件; 信息电子学前沿实验; 研究生:光电子材料与器件; Semiconductor Optoelectronics 物理学的进化及量子物理突破 代表成果
2024 1. Yuyin Li, Jing Zhou, Peng Chen *, et.al., GaN microdisks with a single porous optical confinement layer for whispering gallery mode lasing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 093504 (2024) 2. Ru Xu, Peng Chen *, et.al., A lateral AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrieriode with 0.36-V turn-on voltage and 10-kV breakdown voltage by using ouble-barrier anode structure, Chip, 3, 100079 (2024) 2023 1. Yuyin Li, Peng Chen *, Xianfei Zhang, et.al., The Study on the Lasing Modes Modulated by the Dislocation Nanomaterials, 13, 2228 (2023). 2022 (3) 1. Ru Xu , Peng Chen*, Jing Zhou, et.al., High Power Figure-of-Merit, 10.6-kV AlGaN/GaN Lateral Schottky Barrier Diode with Single Channel and Sub-100-μm Anode-to-Cathode Spacing, Small 2022, 2107301, (2022). -- The paper for the back cover. 2. Jing Zhou, Peng Chen*, Zili Xie, et.al., The Sign of Exciton-Photon Coupling in GaN-Based Triangular-like Ridge Cavity, Crystals, 12, 348, (2022). 3. Yimeng Li, Peng Chen*, Xiufang Chen*, et.al., Gate-Controlled NiO/Graphene/4H-SiC Double Schottky Barrier Heterojunction Based on a Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structure for Dual-Mode and Wide Range Ultraviolet Detection ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,4 (4) , pp.1807 (2022) 2021 (2) 1. Ru Xu , Peng Chen*, Menghan Liu, et.al., 3.4-kV AlGaN/GaN Schottky Barrier Diode on Silicon Substrate With Engineered Anode Structure, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 2, 208,(2021). 2. Ru Xu , Peng Chen*, Menghan Liu, et.al., 2.7-kV AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode on silicon substrate with recessed-anode structure, Solid-State Electronics, 175, 107953, (2021). 2020 (6) 1. Yimeng Li, Peng Chen*, Xiufang Chen*, et.al., High-Responsivity Graphene/4H-SiC Ultraviolet Photodetector Based on a Planar Junction Formed by the Dual Modulation of Electric and Light Fields, Advanced Optical Materials,2000559, (2020). Small, 16, 1906205, (2020). IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Vol. 8, 316 (2020). J. Appl. Phys. 127, 113102 (2020). Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 37, No. 5, 054204 (2020). Applied Optics, Vol. 59, No. 16, 4790 (2020). 2019 (2) 1. Ningze Zhuo, Na Zhang, Peng Chen* and Haibo Wang*, Enhancement of efficiency and CCT uniformity for red phosphor thin films, red LEDs and laminated white LEDs based on near-ultraviolet LEDs using MgO nanoparticles, RSC Advances,9, 28291, (2019). 2. Ningze Zhuo, Na Zhang, Teng Jiang, Peng Chen* and Haibo Wang*, Effect of particle sizes and mass ratios of a phosphor on light color performance of a green phosphor thin film and a laminated white lightemitting diode, RSC Advances, 9, 27424, (2019). 2018 (1) 1. Jiang, Fulong; Liu, Yaying; Chen, Peng*; et al.,The Study on the Droop Effect in the InGaN/AlGaInN MQWs With Lattice-Matched AlGaN/InGaN Superlattices Barrier by Highly Excited Photoluminescence Measurementctions, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 卷:10,期:2,文献号: 8200509,(2018). 2008-2017 (1) 1. Yang, G. F.; Chen, P.*; Wang, M. Y.; et al., Selective epitaxy of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells on GaN side facets, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 45 Pages: 61-65 Published: AUG 2012 1998-2007 (14) 1. P. Chen, A. Chen,S. J. Chua, and J. N. Tan,Growth and Optical Properties of Highly Uniform and Periodic InGaN Nanostructures, ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol 19(13), 1707-1710, 2007 2. P. Chen, S. J. Chua, and J. N. Tan, High-density InGaN nanodots grown on pretreated GaN surfaces, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 89, 023114, 2006 3. P. Chen, S. J. Chua, Y. D. Wang, M. S. Sander, and C. G. Fonstad, InGaN Nanorings and Nanodots by Selective Area Epitaxy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 87, 143111, 2005 4. H.W.Choi, K.N.Hui, P.Lai, P.Chen, X.H.Zhang, S.Tripathy, J.H.Teng, and S.J.Chua, Lasing in GaN microdisks pivoted on Si, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 94 (7): 4702-4704, 2003 6. P. Chen*, W. Wang, and S. J. Chua and Y. D. Zheng, High-frequency capacitance–voltage measurement of plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor-deposition-grown SiO2 on GaN metal-insulatorsemiconductor structures, 7. P. Chen*, R. Zhang, Z.M. Zhao, D.J. Xi, B. Shen, Z.Z. Chen, Y.G. Zhou, S.Y. Xie, W.F. Lu, Y.D. Zheng, Growth of high quality GaN layers with AlN buffer on Si(111) substrates, 8. Chen, P*; Shen, B; Zhu, JM; et al. Microstructures of GaN buffer layers grown on Si(111) using rapic thermal process low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, Chinese Physics Letters, Volume: 17, Issue:3, Pages:224-226 2000. 9. P. Chen*, S.Y. Xie, Z.Z. Chen, et. al. Deposition and crystallization of amorphous GaN buffer layers on Si(111) substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth, 213, 27-32, 2000 10. Chen, P*; Zhang, R; Xu, XF; et al. The oxidation of gallium nitride epilayers in dry oxygen, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, Volume: 71, Issue: , 2Pages: 191-194, 2000.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume: , 512 Pages: 65-68, Published: 1998. 12. Chen Peng, Chua Soo-Jin, Miao Zhonglin and Tripathy Sudhiranjan, “Method and Structure for Fabricating III-V Nitride Layers on Silicon Substrates” Patent application filed on 2 February 2005 in US patent office, granted in 2011 (US 60/648,710; 11/344,472; US7,910,937 B2 ).